Monday, September 15, 2008

Terry Fox Run for Tony

The Terry Fox Run was quite a success thanks to all our friends at Enbridge. Your efforts and participation are above and beyond the call of duty and a true demonstration of your affection and regard for "Richard" - as you knew him. I am very touched and am sure Tony would be at a loss for words. Thank you!
Well, as I'm back at work tomorrow... off to bed I go.
Take good care!

P.S. Congrats Hazel! All the best to you and your hubby...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Enbridge Rafter's Runners

Hello Everyone;

Although this is late notice, I wanted to let you all know that Enbridge, along with myself and some friends and family will be participating in the Terry Fox Run/Walk again this year. If you are interested in participating or donating please see the Terry Fox Run website and look for the Enbridge Rafter Runners ( We will be at the Pointe-Claire location this coming Sunday, September 14th at 10 am.

Hope to see you all there.

That's it for now.

Take good care!
