Sunday, May 6, 2007

Alouettes, gentils Alouettes...

That's my baby... somewhere there. And, yes! that's how I spent my weekend - at the Junior Alouettes' Football Camp (American football, that is). Richard will be attending with the older boys' camp next weekend. The weather was just wonderful and the organizers and the professional football players involved were just amazing with the kids.

Unfortunately, Tony (aka Richard) was just too exhausted to attend. His rash is becoming quite uncomfortable and he did have a bit of a fever (38.0) this afternoon. We are seeing the Oncologist tomorrow morning, so maybe he can prescribe something for the rash; I've just been giving him Benedryl... We should also have some news on the blood cultures they did last Thursday. Keep your fingers crossed.

That's it for now. Take good care!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Il est 9:35 et je pars pour Québec.
Je garde mes doigts croisés pour que tous les résultats soient positifs.
Je pense à vous tous et vous souhaite une bonne semaine.
