Monday, October 15, 2007

Surprise! Surprise!

Well, the regular football season is over. Richard's team qualified for the playoffs. But we're still unsure whether or not Richard will get to play... It depends on how long they keep playing. Richard's cast should come off on the 26th and he'll probably have a week or two of physio, so... who knows. The hockey season is in full swing. Richard was drafted by his coach from last year and Mathieu's coach used to work with Tony when Rich was a baby. They both have their best friend on their team, so that'll make it easier. Richard's team lost both games this weekend, while Mathieu's team won theirs and he got player of the game.... BRAVO Mathieu!

Thanksgiving was different this year, but we got through it. Greg outdid himself again. Turkey, ham, and all the trimmings, and then some. Everyone was in fine form and the boys really enjoyed going to Ottawa to see their cousins.

Last Tuesday was a PD day for the boys and I had a surprise for them. Back in June or July, Tony's boss had spoken to me about taking the boys up on the company's helicopter. Of course, the batteries in my camera were dead, so I didn't get any shots with it. However, the pilot let me borrow his and he will be e-mailing me the photos. I will post them eventually, if they're any good. We took a ride over Montreal island and saw a bit of the South Shore. It was really nice! I accompanied the boys and did my best not to squeal (from fright) too much as we turned and were practically sideways; you see, we were wearing mics and earphones and everyone would have heard me loud and clear... the pilot included.
I must say, Tony's employer has been great. I want to thank Denis and Dean for their kindness and thoughtfulness. You are true gentlemen. Merci beaucoup!

Well, the dishes are calling me.
Take good care!

(p.s. don't be afraid to send your comments - it gets pretty lonely over here!)


Anonymous said...

Ma Belle Renée,

C'est toujours émouvant de te lire ainsi et en même temps on voit que grâce à ton courage vous réussissez à vivre un quotidien relativement normal. Je t'admire beaucoup (les gars aussi).

P.S. T'as vraiment des talents de photographe...

Anonymous said...

Hey Renee,
I have never been in a helicopter! Must be quite exciting. Congrats to your sons on their sport achievements. Keep your spirits up. I like reading your news and knowing how you are doing. You are a true Champion!

Anonymous said...

Salut Renée,

Depuis que je t'ai vue au mall Renée je voulais t'écrire un mot mais le temps passe trop vite, une chose n'attend pas l'autre, ça n'arrête pas, et là je pense à toi et tes boys et je veux te dire que tu es formidable et, si parfois il y as des journée ou tu te sent fatiguer et a bout et bien c'est avec raison (et beaucoup en +). Don't be so hard on yourself, ce n'est pas évident de faire tout ces choses seul avec deux garçons..
Je te lève mon chapeau, tap yourself on the shoulders and be proud of yourself.

I also wanted to tell you that you look good Renée, your face is, how to say... at peace (if we can say that), there is sadness in your eyes but that is normal, Tony is in your eyes.

I leave you with this; it was nice to see you and lâche pas Renée...

Thinking of you,

Anonymous said...

Hi Renee
So glad to hear how you are getting on. Congratulations to Mathieu on his achievement. Looking forward to seeing photos of your helicopter ride!! Hope Richard is soon fit again.
Anne & Brian

Anonymous said...

You are one brave woman, would never get me up on one of those things, ever notice how they look like giant ants. I'm glad your thanksgiving went well, nothing like being with family and lots of good food. Way to go Mathieu, Richard it'll be over soon. Jason has moved out to Calgary to stay with his dad and do an apprentice there (Carpentry), he left this morning (I've been crying since.) Even though he will be 25 soon, he'll always be my baby. Think of you guys often.
Lots of Love

Anonymous said...

Hi Renee
You deserve a medal for the helicopter adventure. I hope the photos turn out well.

Lots of love
Tom & Amy

Anonymous said...

Hi Renée,

Riding in a helicopter is sooo cool! What a great surprise you had for the boys. It's on my to do list for sure. I think of you all the time and am glad the boys are doing well in sports. You are their strength, no doubt. Thanksgiving sounded real nice for your guys. You know, this year I opted out of the usual family dinner to just enjoy a long weekend at the cottage with hubby and Chris. I actually
missed doing the whole tralala. Next year I will do as you did and surround myself with the people I love.
Big Hug,
susan p

Anonymous said...

Hi Renée,

Riding in a helicopter is sooo cool! What a great surprise you had for the boys. It's on my to do list for sure. I think of you all the time and am glad the boys are doing well in sports. You are their strength, no doubt. Thanksgiving sounded real nice for your guys. You know, this year I opted out of the usual family dinner to just enjoy a long weekend at the cottage with hubby and Chris. I actually
missed doing the whole tralala. Next year I will do as you did and surround myself with the people I love.
Big Hug,
susan p