Monday, November 12, 2007

Brave but stubborn...

After one day on a liquid diet (Sunday), today was clear liquids only for Mathieu... and medicine. The only problem was, Mathieu did not want to drink the magic potion. I had him speak to the nurse who told him that if he didn't drink the stuff, they would have to put a tube down his nose to his stomach and infuse the medicine directly to his stomach via his nose. Well, believe it or not, he chose the nose tube rather than drinking two glasses of orangy liquid!!!

I was upset at first. I actually thought that he would change his mind once we got to the hospital and we would not be able to have him prepped in time for his colonoscopy which is scheduled for tomorrow - Tuesday. Well, he was good to his word. Even while the nurse was putting the tube in his nose, he still insisted that it was better than having to drink that stuff. Go figure... I, on the other hand, could have done without those five hours in the hospital watching liquid drip into a loved one of mine. Déjà vu. Been there, done that... Need I say more! But, he was a real trooper.

Let just hope that tomorrow's scope is just as smooth...

That's it for now.

Take good care!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mathieu my love, you are one brave little man, good luck today guys.
Lots of love