Well, the March issue of Canadian Living is out on newstands, and our story is in it; black on white! Of course, I read the article a number of times before it was published... But to actually see the finished product and think back on all that has happended over the last three years is strange. It is both therapeutic and sad. As my friend Sandee's blog says "I will survive!".
After Tony passed away, my friend Linda who wrote the article, asked me whether or not I wanted to go through with it. She had been working on it for some time at this point and, as our intent - Tony's and mine - was always to be open and honest about his battle with cancer, I agreed to go ahead with it. We always hoped that by being totally open we might create a greater awareness about colorectal cancer, and maybe - somehow - help patients and their caregivers by simply letting them know that they are not alone. We wanted to help and hopefully make a difference.
Cancer is a long and difficult journey best not travelled alone. We have been truly blessed as our lives have been filled with the love and support of our friends and family. You need only reach out and someone will hold your hand and help you travel through the dark and lonely days. The darkness is fading and will eventually disappear, and we will be left with the wonderful memories of our life together.
I am thankful for the support we've received since Tony's passing. He was such an amazing man that I am convinced that the love and support that has come our way is merely a reflection of the wonderful man that he was. I miss you Tony!
Thanks Linda, and congratulations on the article! I hope you all enjoy it!
Well, that's it for now.
Take good care!
P.S. Jean and Michele, I have a copy for each of you. I will post it soon...
Hi Renee,
That's a beautiful picture of you and your husband. And your words are also beautiful. I know you feel lucky to have had him, but he was also lucky to have had you by his side. You should be proud to have shared your story with the country....I am sure it will inspire others who are going through similar hard times and will no doubt create awareness for colorectal cancer.
Amanda Comeau
Hi Renee,
My name is Heidi Watts and I was told about the Canadian Living article. It is a wonderful and lasting tribute to your husband, Tony, to tell your family story and promote a greater education and awareness of colorectal cancer. I am also a survivor, and carry the HNPCC mutation. I presently work with the Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada in the Toronto office, but our head office is in Montreal. Thank you for posting the link to our website on your blog. I would really like the opportunity to speak to you in person about possibly posting the link to your blog on our website as we have other patient blogs listed. Please forward your phone number or direct email address and I would be happy to correspond when you have some time.
take care,
Heidi Watts
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