Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy Canada Day!

We were home on a pass Saturday afternoon and got to sleep in our own beds. The surgeon called Sunday morning and discharged Mathieu over the phone. Safe for a few distressing moments on Sunday night, things are going well.

Sunday afternoon, we joined my Mom's family - what was left of the crowd - for an afternoon at the cottage. Everyone from far and wide (Toronto, Winnipeg, Ottawa, etc.) had gathered for dinner the night before and there were a few left to visit with on Sunday. Mathieu was in the water splashing around and I had to hold him back because he too wanted to play football. He has lost a bit of weight, but will no doubt gain some back now that he can eat.

We saw the fireworks this evening - in celebration of Canada Day. Mathieu spent most of the evening at the park and was exhausted when I joined him. Richard had gone to join the festivities in another municipality and I picked him up to join us for the celebrations in our own municipality. We saw many of our friends and enjoyed the fireworks.

Looking forward to a bit of calm and relaxation tomorrow.

Well, that's it for now...

Take good care!



Anonymous said...

Hey Mathieu, congratulations on getting home, you've been amazingly brave. Harry and I were just checking up on you and you are quite a guy... harry says hi and we send our best regards. Renee we would love to have your new address you can email it when you have a moment, our email is Again you are in our thoughts and we are amazed at what a brave kid you are. love to all Julie and Harry

Anonymous said...

Hi Mathieu, it's J.J., I hope you're doing o.k. and I hope that I'll see you again soon! Maybe the next time we get together we can have an XBOX competition?

Hope you're o.k.,

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you Renee! Hope you can start enjoying your new home and the great summer we are having so far. Mathieu is a very brave young man. My thoughts are with you all.
