Yesterday, Mathieu started his day camp; it's a nature camp and they get to learn about and feed all sorts of animals. Of course, he didn't want to go on Monday morning, but when I picked him up he said it was really "cool!". Thank goodness for that!
Tony is forever on my mind. Last week Mathieu and I visited the cemetery because I had to approve the draft of the plaque that is being made for his pedastal. Mathieu then asked to go visit his Dad; so we did. It was sad. We cleaned his pedastal with "Wet Ones" I had in the car and shed a few tears. I miss him terribly but I have to remember not to let myself be engulfed in those sad thoughts. I have to be thankful to have known such a wonderful man.
Well,that's it for now! I have to go do the dishes (at times like these, I really miss my mother-in-law...).
Take good care!