I still have many ups and downs. At times, I try to go to the store incognito, for fear that I will run into someone that I know and start crying if they ask how I'm doing. Decisions are very difficult to make... and sleep is not always easy. But, I am getting better. I've started going for walks; and it is helping.
For those of you who are not aware, Enbridge, Tony's employer, has put together a team for the Terry Fox Run in memory of Tony. Everyone is welcome to participate or donate (to the Enbridge Team). They will be participating in the Run in Pointe-Claire from 10am to 12noon on Sunday, September 16th. For more info, please see http://www.terryfoxrun.org/english/terry%20fox%20run/default.asp?s=1.
Well, that's it for now. Take good care everyone!
your weekends are very busy !!! congratulations guys, it seems like you always do so well at every sport you go for, lets just say it doesn't come from my side of the family !!! I hope school started well, Sara starts High School tomorrow I will send you some pictures. Renee, I have been trying to call you but you must have been out all the while, I will catch up this week. I will pass your news onto grandad, who will be even more proud than he normally is of all you.
I am organising a service of thanksgiving for Tony's life here in Belfast on the 15th of this month, another milestone to be overcome. talk soon love Michele x
hi renee and boys just to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers. i check your blog everyday for updates, im sure this is the most difficult time in the world for yous and really all i can do is send my love, will be going to tonys memorial service on 15 sep. keep up the good work with all your sporting activities, renee do you play any sport? im going back for some horse-riding lessons next week, all i want to achieve is not to fall off. back to school tomorrow for hugo hes not looking forward to it. god bless take care from nikki and hugo mccullough
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