I want to run... I want to jump out of my skin... Shop til I drop. Anything to avoid feeling this hollowness inside. I don't want to know that he's not coming back. But, no matter what I do to try to escape or avoid the fact, it remains the truth. So, rather than do anything counterproductive, my therapist suggested I really make an effort to channel my energy into something positive that will help; so tonight I bought us a family membership at a health club. I do have the best of intentions. Let's just hope that after taking every last bit of energy I had to survive the last two and half years, I can find the courage and strength to start over and take care of myself this time so that I can be a better mother and a better person. Just thinking about it has me exhausted... and scared to death!
I'm sure a good night's sleep will do wonders for me. Please send positive vibes my way. I could sure use them.
Take good care!
P.S. I'll be fine; don't worry!
If there is anyone on this planet who has the strength and courage needed to succeed at any undertaking, it is you. Looking back over the posts you've done these past few years, we all see a remarkable, strong, loving woman who has inspired everyone who reads this blog.
Love and good wishes,
Hi Renee,
I think of you often and I'm rooting for you. The positive attitude you had the entire time Tony was sick just proves that you have what it takes to make it through this. I know it's easier said than done, but I just wanted you to know that I admire you very much, as I am sure everyone who knows you does. Hang in there and keep blogging. There are a lot of people who care about you.
Thinking of you...
Amanda Comeau
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