Yesterday, I was caught off-guard when one of our neighbours from down the street stopped and asked about Tony because he hadn't seen him in a while. I was dumb struck and could only manage to say "He passed away on Father's Day", and waived as I went into the house. I really didn't mean to be rude, but I didn't know what to say. I guess that was bound to happen, and might happen again... Hopefully, I will be stronger next time.
Last weekend, Mathieu insisted on shopping for Halloween costumes. And so we did... He makes a lovely little old lady, doesn't he?
This coming weekend is our Thanksgiving in Canada. It will be another first without Tony, and I'm hoping that the fact that it will not be at our house, as it has been for a number of years now, will make it easier. The boys are looking forward to it.
As you can see, we're doing okay. I still miss him every day and its still surreal that he will never be here again with us physically. He was such a presence... I try to think of what he would tell me right now, and all I can imagine is "we have to keep life as normal as possible for the boys". And so I shall!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Take good care!
Well (s)he's a sight for sore eyes! Looking at this picture makes me nostalgic for Hallowe'en dress-up days...It's good to see you still have your spirit and strength Renee. It must be so very hard most of the time to keep your head above water, but you manage it day after day, with good grace and a sense of humour. Take care.
Love Linda
Dear Renee,
Harry and I can't believe that's Mathieu, we just can't figure it out...is it really? It's fantastic if it's him, wow! I hope you all enjoyed Thanksgiving, Harry was with his Dad so I didn't really do much of anything but that's ok., I try to give thanks for everything and there is always something to be thankful for.
Renee, I think about you all the time and really , I''m amazed at how you keep your spirit... it's the only way and you do it so well.
I'm glad to hear your news every now and then and happy to see you are still blogging.
Keep up the good fight and I know you'll win. Tony is watching over the three of you and I'm sure he's very proud of you.
my love to you and the boys, and really that's a very funny disguise.
love julie
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