The week before Tony passed away, I had talked to the boys to prepare them... and encouraged them to show their Daddy how much they love him. Immediately after this conversation, once the tears had been wiped away, Richard got on the computer and put together this poem and photo for his Dad. He read it to Tony that night and Tony asked him to put it in his top drawer with all of his important papers...
Remember all the great moments together
I love you with all my heart
Crying is how I demonstrate my love for you
Happiness we had
Always on my mind, forever in my heart
Relive it all over again, is what I would do if I could
Dad, you are the greatest
xox- I love you dad
Take good care!
P.S. We're doing fine... for now.
Allo cousine,
Ce poème est tellement touchant. J'ai larme à l'oeil à chaque fois que je le lis. Si vous le désirez, Charles est en vacances les deux premières semaines de juillet. Si vous voulez faire de quoi (comme de la pêche, ski nautique, ride de bateau, de la tube) vous êtes les bienvenus. Je le sais que tu es bien entourée de ta famille et de tes amis, mais si jamais tu as besoin de quelque chose ou de parler ou de sortir, je suis là pour toi et tes garçons.
Dear Renee,
What a very beautiful poem that Richard wrote for his dad !!
It must have meant so much to Tony.
You Richard and Mathieu are very much in our thoughts and prayers.
Lots of love,
Anne and Brian xxx
Hi Renee,
That's one nice poem you wrote Richard. If there was ever a person to have happy memories of, that person was certainly Tony.
We send all of you our love.
Linda, Hannah, and Henry
Dear Renee
Just back from a few days in Donegal and catching up. Richards's poem was a lovely tribute for Tony and something for you to treasure.
Lots of love and support.
Tom & Amy
Bonjour Renée,
Toi et les enfants êtes dans nos pensées quotidiennement.
Nous gardons le sourire de Tony (Richard) dans nos coeurs.
L'équipe de Montréal n'est plus la même...
epbutnorenee i hope you and your family are doing as well as can be expected, richard that is a really nice poem and i,m sure your dad is very proud of you and mathieu. i think about you guys alot and hugo and i say prayers for you every night, my mum and dad are in italy, mum was very upset and didnt want to go but she never rests at home so we told her to go for a rest, they both will see their life long friends jean and richard when they get home and hope can be there for them. i dont know what your doing about the blog renee i'm sure you dont feel like doing it at the moment but i would like to keep in touch if you would want to, but only if you want. i dont know if its appropriate to say but richard you are very handsome and im sure mathieu is too but ive never seen him but with beautiful parents as tony and renee its no wonder! well thats all for now, all i can do is think about and pray for you guys. god bless from nikki and hugo mccullough
This note is adressed to both boys from Denis Leblanc's son and a past summer student with your father.
Life is alot like football (sports)which we both have in common. We face challenges and difficult situations that we must overcome, even when they seem impossible. Your mom and both of you are a team and must stick together in order to overcome and grow beyond...If you ever need someone to talk to don't hesitate to write.
Renée, the little time i spent with your husband, was memorable and so i leave you with these thoughts.
Richard Rafter is a man who best exemplified what life was…is…and should be. A man who would arrive to work with a smile and be sure to put one on the faces he met throughout the day. A big man with a big heart, who loved his beer and his NASCAR…and now sits above those beloved race tracks with the best seat in the house. The chequered flag has been raised and he shall be remembered… because everybody needs a little R and R in there life…not rest and relaxation but a little RICHARD RAFTER and we are all better because of it.
To all you good people that have spoken or written to myself or my parents over the last week or so, we have been carried along on a wave of love and support and for that I thank you. I arrived home safe to my own husband Peter and kids Luke and Sara, and we all hope to come back to Montreal in a few months time. Please continue to keep in touch with Renee and the boys and again I thank you for making the awfulness of the past while more bearable with all you good thoughts. sincerely Michele x
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