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Let the sunshine in...
What a beautiful day! Its amazing the difference a bit of sun can have on a person. This morning Tony (aka Richard) and I went a short walk around the block. It was really nice! We also sat outside for a while and just took in some fresh air. It really does give you a boost. Don't get me wrong... we're not ready for a marathon yet; but being outside does make you feel alive, doesn't it? (By the way, that's a photo of the tree in the backyard - the one from where the squirrels attack us with acorns in the summer.)We're booked for chemo at the JGH on Tuesday morning (early). Monday is the CT scan to see if the embolization was successful. Keep your fingers crossed!I hope you all get a chance to enjoy the sunshine! Take good care!RenéeP.S. Please don't be afraid to call the house. This blog is not meant to replace the wonderful live conversations Tony and I been known to have with you wonderful people.
good morning, what a great day. the whole week-end is supposed to be beautiful. so guys get out there and enjoy. it was good talking to you yesterday tony.
have a great day and week-end.
lots of love
I enjoyed our conversation yesterday Renee, we can still talk bulls+++ to each other. How did the cleaning go ?? We are going to be at mum and dads on sunday with some cake and candles for his birthday so if you are in we might give you a call and we can all sing happybirthday together. Enjoy the weather and a glass of wine or two at the weekend. Kisses and hugs to everyone especially my hansome brother and gorgeous nephews and of course yourself, talk soon...
Michele x
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