As most of you know, although he had been having bursts of fever for well over two weeks, Tony had his liver embolization on Fri. Mar.30th. He spent the better part of the week in bed and had fever and pain as was expected. On April 6th we visited our Oncologist who gave Tony a prescription for an oral chemotherapy treatment - Xeloda.
Tony started his chemo on Sat. Apr. 7th - he was still having some fever... On Sunday, he was in some discomfort (backside) and could barely sit. On Monday I took him to a local clinic that was open - all hospital clinics were closed as it was Easter Monday. We were told it was an abscess and that it would need to be drained and gave us antibiotics. We were at the colorectal surgeon's on Wed. and things are better now... Knock on wood. He hasn't had a fever since yesterday afternoon. Although I keep feeling his forehead every 2 hours or so. (That must be annoying for him...) On the down side, he has to be off his chemo treatment for 7 days. I'm waiting to hear from the Oncologist as we did 4 days of a 14 day (+ 7 days off) cycle... I'm not sure how that'll work. We were meant to see him next week; but I'm not sure if that'll hold.
For now, Tony is eating well and getting plenty of rest.
On a happy note, my youngest son Mathieu's team won a hockey tournament this weekend (the final was at dinnertime on Sunday - what timing). And, on Tuesday, my oldest, Richard, turned 13.
Take good care everyone... We'll see you soon!
Hi Renée,
I'm thinking of you and your family everyday and hope thing keep getting better.
Birthdays and Victories are GOOD!!
Talk to you soon,
Salut Renée,
C'est une excellente idée d'écrire comme ç trouve que cela est bon pour le moral et une bonne façon de liberer un peu de stress. Merci, tu es vraiment gentille de faire ça car je sais que tu le fais pour toi mais tu le fais aussi pour nous. Bravo aussi pour Mathieu et Bonne fête Richard !!
À bientôt,
Denise XX
Hi Renee & Tony,
This is a great idea, we all want to hear how everything is going. We're thinking of you and hope to get together soon now that the weather is better for driving. Talk to you soon.
Cynthia & Ken
hey Renee & Tony and boys,
Surprised and happy to see you have a blog . It's a wonderful thing for all of us. Especially for us who keep calling and don't wan't to bug you but just think of you both and want you all to know how much we love and wish you the very, very best. Keep up the good fight. Happy belated Birthday to Richard! Again thanks for the blog, it helps. love, Julie and Harry.
Hello Renee, Richard and the boys.
I think that this is a wonderful idea to have this blog. It gives us some well needed info and I am very happy to have a way of contact without bugging you at home. You are on our minds everyday and I miss Richard's sens of humor a lot.
I will check in often to keep up with the developments and get more info on how you are doing as well.
Chantal at Enbridge
Hi There,
Nice to have the blog. Denis has been our conduit here at the Enbridge office, and I think he gets bombarded everytime he is in Sarnia. I am the same age as you Richard with 2 young children, and I think of you often. It's been a long fight - hang in there! I'll be checking in to keep up-to-date.
Dan Adams - Enbridge
Hello Renée,
What a good idea. Our thoughts are with you and yes this is a great way to keep us advised cos we don't want to keep disturbing you to ask how things are going etc.
Give our love to Tony and give a big hug and kiss from us to Mathieu and Richard for their particular achievments.
David, Lydia, Matt, Wills and "Miggins"
lovely to hear your voice tonight Tony, and to know you are smiling again ! ( and eating ) mum and dad are so looking forward to coming out soon. Pamela Hazel etc all send their love, I must send this to Linda if you have not done so already as I was talking to Julie just 10 minutes ago and she told me to go check my computer as Kevin had sent it to her !!!, talk soon love to you all, Michele x
Happy to get news.How courageous you all are.This is a perfect way to keep up and stay in touch,
Happy birthday to Richard(albeit late).
Thinking of you all the time , a big hug for you both.
God bless..Eric and Harry
Hello All
We think of you often Richard .
Hope to See your smiling face one of these days soon .
I can't help but be inspired by the courage and positive attitude you and Tony have had throughout this experience. You are my heroes!
Your friend & colleague,
P.S.: I'll check the blog regularly but don't think that will stop me from calling to talk to you in person once in a while!
Hey Aunty renee, my mum told me you had a blog so i thought i would comment you,and tell you to say happy birthday to richard, and well done to mathieu
Hope uncle tonys treatment goes well and its quite soon until granny and granda go out there to meet you, have you any idea what i could send them as presents from Ireland?
get well soon uncle tony, bye
Hi Renée and Tony,
What a great idea you had.I am resding the blog every day.I was please to read that things are going better.Thinking about you all.Lots of love.
Huguette XX
You don't know me but I feel I know you and your family through our very good friend Greg Strain. My husband has brain cancer and Greg has been a true friend and shown unconditional love through it all. I feel a connection with you as a care giver. I applaud your strength and love. Take care to you and your family. Maureen
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