I woke up in a cold house to a call from Mathieu's gastroenterologist who had the pathology results from last week's colonoscopy. Just as was the case last year, the biopsy showed adenomatous change and some signs of dysplasia. Again, it shouldn't have been a surprise... but I had - willingly, I guess - chosen to forget about it. We had talked about surgery last year. However, because Tony was still in treatment, we thought that having one family member at the hospital at a time was probably all we could handle. Of course, they had assured us that we were not putting Mathieu at risk - in any way... Well, the Dr. will be scheduling a small bowel series as well as a consultation with a surgeon within the next 2 months. It looks like I'll be getting to know my way around the Children's Hospital a lot better in the near future.... I have to remember - ONE DAY AT A TIME!!!! And, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
It took about 10 calls before I found someone who agreed to come fix my heating system. They will be by tomorrow morning. So, its really cold here! I did manage to get to the gym; even though I didn't feel like it. I knew it would make me feel better... and it did! I've fallen behind in the house work, though... and my day is completely booked tomorrow. The good thing is I won't have time to think of anything but what I should be doing next. For now, that's probably a good thing.
Well, enough rambling... Tomorrow is another day and it should be better! I'm convinced!
That's it for now.
Take good care!
Hey guys, hope you got your heat back, that sucks. Mathieu, you're a brave little soilder and a tall, handsome one to boot and mommy you're looking hot. I know it's tough but the sooner the better, hang in there, take care, glad to hear you're keeping up at the gym, so important for your sanity.
lots of love
hi renee!
is the heating fixed? you are welcome to come by and hang here anytime... i do have plenty of extra rooms if you need to spend a few nights!
chin up girl, you are doing beautifully so far, your boys have a strong and graceful role model. there are happier days ahead for you!
lots of love,
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