Where does the time go? Maybe it has to do with the fact that I am in total denial about the Holidays... I so don't want to live through that... that I have managed to fool myself into almost believing that its not going to happen. Well, I suppose I need to wake up and smell the coffee. The boys are still gonna expect gifts on Christmas morning; whether or not their Dad is there. But, you know, the more people I talk to -as I am coming out of hiding - the more I realize and appreciate how very special Tony really was. Of course, I always thought so, but as I talk to different people I know that I am not simply remembering just the good stuff... He really was that great, and it makes this Season all the more difficult. He is the one who went to buy a tree with the boys and put it up. He and the boys would struggle to untangle the lights and put them up... Also, the only time he ever wanted to go shopping was to go buy the boys' Christmas gifts. He really enjoyed it. I think it made him feel like a kid again - besides what do I know about gifts for boys? I will get through this... I'm sure. But at times, I wish it didn't have to be so difficult. ONE DAY AT A TIME... I must remember!
The photos above are of Richard and his football coach and Mathieu and his football coaches. I attended both Mathieu and Richard's football banquets this weekend. Mathieu was awarded the Offensive MVP trophy, while Richard - who was sidelined half the season with his broken wrist - got a special mention from the coach. It was a busy weekend - two hockey games, three hockey practices and two football banquets. I have a cleaning lady coming in tomorrow and I'm not quite ready for her... Oh well! I suppose I should go clear up a few things so she can actually clean the house.
I hope you are all keeping well. Feel free to drop me a line.
Take good care!
Hi Renée,
Here's another option for you to help relieve some of the holiday stress; go check out www.goformoms.com - they are Montreal-based and I have a friend who has used their services and was very pleased. They do it all, from cleaning to shopping!!
Let me know what you think, I miss seeing your face in the building!
hi renee and boys sorry i havent written in a while but i do read your blog every day. renee you sure are a busy mum and its great that the boys are so much into sport, hugo is a no. 1 fan of WWE and i know its crazy but i find myself more and more interested in it!! the wrestlers were here in belfast last week, of course we went to the show but i also queued for 3 hours for hugo to see Batista, he was even more gorgeous in the flesh!! he also met CM Punk i'm sure this doesnt mean alot to you but maybe the boys know what i'm taking about. its a great idea getting a cleaner i would but i must have one of the smallest houses on the planet so i've no excuses. my mum and jean went out for dinner last week, of course i keep my mum up to date on what you write. i hope the holidays arent too sad for you you are always in my thoughts and prayers take care and god bless for now from nikki and hugo mccullough in ireland
Congragulations Mathieu & Richard.
It's funny when you got about Tony, he was so much like my dad, not only in his apperance but his
demeanor. Two great guys. Yes, the holidays will be hard but you will get through them like you have everything else, with lots of grace & courage.
lots of love
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