The boys had a Snow Day on Monday but I still managed to make it to the gym. Today, Richard was home sick with a headache. I think there must be some sort of virus going around - it must be the same thing Mat had last week. All this to say, I haven't gotten much shopping done!!! I think it'll be a mad dash on the 22nd and 23rd... The boys are off to Ottawa on Friday. They will be going to see the Senators hockey game on Saturday with my brother while I tie up loose ends. And, to keep things interesting, I've bought tickets to go see Cirque du Soleil between Christmas and New Year's Day. I hope the boys will enjoy it.
I hope you are all keeping well. You sure are a quiet bunch. (Thanks for the comment Amanda!) As Christmas keeps getting closer, I seem to be getting more into the spirit. I think its the best thing for the boys; and it's what Tony would've wanted.
Take good care!
Hi Renee
You certainly have got the snow big time. It all looks so picturesque. We have none so far. The photographs are amazing. Everything must be very busy with the boys sports and going to the gym. Lots of love to you all and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.
Tom & Amy
Hi Renee,
I love reading your Blog. The boys sure keep you hopping.
Keep up the good Spirits. Keep cheering for those Habs, history says that they are bound to win on the road. Enjoy the Cirque de Soleil, it is a fantastic show. Best wishes for the Holiday season.
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