Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Cabin fever...

Cabin fever was the word of the day for today... Well, I guess it's better than plain old "fever" fever! The remedy for this was lunch out at the restaurant and a quick visit with friends we hadn't seen in a long time. Of course, Tony's off for a nap after all the excitement... But I think it was the best thing for him. Being house-bound for so long, with the weather being what it is, anyone would get depressed; never mind a guy who's been fighting cancer for 27 months.

This is a photo I took of Tony as we were heading out today. Now, that's the healthiest looking sick guy I've ever seen... Doesn't he look great?!!

We have good news today, although I'm not quite sure what it is yet. But the Oncologist left us a phone message that he had good news and to "please call him on his cell". Of course I can't reach him right now... But, apparently he has good news!! "Yeah!" We could definitely use some of that right about now.

I will keep you posted! 'Til then, take good care!



Anonymous said...

Looking good Tony! Can't wait to hear about the good news!

Anonymous said...

I think it's great you guy's went out that's exactly what Tony needed. He does look great. Can't wait to hear the good news.
Love you guys